A background information about polytechnic:
Polytechnic provides you with knowledge that can be applied when you join the workforce. The training in the polytechnic makes you more valuable in employers' eyes of prospective, as what you have been taught can add value to what you do and offer solutions to problems that you might encounter next time in the work place.
DPA allows you to obtain a seat in a particular polytechnic before you even sit for your "O" Levels.
If you are accepted by the particular polytechnic, you will then go through a Polytechnic Preparatory Programme which starts next year around February, which is a eight-week course. The PPP gives you a better chance to do better than the peers that apply later when school opens.
PPP can enrich you with the firsthand experience of life from service, adventure learning to improve your language, writing skills to creative computing and IT skills.
DPA is available to all Secondary 4 Express and 5 Normal Academic. To be in order to stay in the polytechnic, you must obtain at least L1R2B2 with a score minimum of 26 points with no fails for English and Mathematics, and meet the minimum entry requirements for the course, one of the relevant subject must be Mathematics. The Language would be English. And other 2 best subject you done well. And another subject that is relevant to the course you are going to take (If i am not wrong) . This excludes CCA!
You will need your examination results and the recommendations by your school teachers, your CCA grades, and other talents will be consider.
This DPA will starts at July, so keep a look out!!